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Im For Mac Os X

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by calonbimel1972 2021. 1. 12. 03:21


Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Docker Desktop for Mac is the Community version of Docker for Mac.You can download Docker Desktop for Mac from Docker Hub.

  1. Download Adium Version History - Source Adium is a free instant messaging application for Mac OS X that can connect to AIM, XMPP (Jabber), ICQ, IRC and more. Learn more about Adium.
  2. Adium is a free and open source instant messaging client for Mac OS X that supports multiple IM networks, including Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, Google Talk, AIM, ICQ and Jabber / XMPP. Off-the-Record Messaging, commonly referred to as OTR, is a cryptographic protocol that provides strong encryption for instant messaging conversations.

Microsoft Messenger for Mac helps keep track of instant messenger communications while using a Mac OS. Microsoft Messenger for Mac is available for download as freeware with no paid upgrades. Jabber (XMPP) is an open instant-messaging protocol used by millions of people daily. At WordPress.com we use Jabber to instantly send new blog posts and comments to subscribers. Jabber support is available in instant messaging clients like the ones listed below: Adium for Mac OS X.

By downloading Docker Desktop, you agree to the terms of the Docker Software End User License Agreement and the Docker Data Processing Agreement.

What to know before you install

Relationship to Docker Machine: Installing Docker Desktop on Mac does not affect machines you created with Docker Machine. You have the option to copy containers and images from your local default machine (if one exists) to the Docker Desktop HyperKit VM. Whenyou are running Docker Desktop, you do not need Docker Machine nodes running locally (or anywhere else). With Docker Desktop, you have a new, nativevirtualization system running (HyperKit) which takes the place of theVirtualBox system.

System requirements

Your Mac must meet the following requirements to successfully install Docker Desktop:

  • Mac hardware must be a 2010 or a newer model, with Intel’s hardware support for memory management unit (MMU) virtualization, including Extended Page Tables (EPT) and Unrestricted Mode. You can check to see if your machine has this support by running the following command in a terminal: sysctl kern.hv_support

    If your Mac supports the Hypervisor framework, the command prints kern.hv_support: 1.

  • macOS must be version 10.14 or newer. That is, Mojave or Catalina. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of macOS.

    If you experience any issues after upgrading your macOS to version 10.15, you must install the latest version of Docker Desktop to be compatible with this version of macOS.

    Note: Docker supports Docker Desktop on the most recent versions of macOS. Docker Desktop currently supports macOS Mojave and macOS Catalina.

    As new major versions of macOS are made generally available, Docker stops supporting the oldest version and support the newest version of macOS.

  • At least 4 GB of RAM.

  • VirtualBox prior to version 4.3.30 must not be installed as it is not compatible with Docker Desktop.

What’s included in the installer

The Docker Desktop installation includes Docker Engine, Docker CLI client, Docker Compose, Notary, Kubernetes, and Credential Helper.

Install and run Docker Desktop on Mac

  1. Double-click Docker.dmg to open the installer, then drag the Docker icon to the Applications folder.

  2. Double-click Docker.app in the Applications folder to start Docker. (In the example below, the Applications folder is in “grid” view mode.)

    The Docker menu in the top status bar indicates that Docker Desktop is running, and accessible from a terminal.

    If you’ve just installed the app, Docker Desktop launches the onboarding tutorial. The tutorial includes a simple exercise to build an example Docker image, run it as a container, push and save the image to Docker Hub.

  3. Click the Docker menu () to seePreferences and other options.

  4. Select About Docker to verify that you have the latest version.

Congratulations! You are now successfully running Docker Desktop.

If you would like to rerun the tutorial, go to the Docker Desktop menu and select Learn.

Uninstall Docker Desktop

To unistall Docker Desktop from your Mac:

  1. From the Docker menu, select Troubleshoot and then select Uninstall.
  2. Click Uninstall to confirm your selection.

Note: Uninstalling Docker Desktop will destroy Docker containers and images local to the machine and remove the files generated by the application.

Switch between Stable and Edge versions

Docker Desktop allows you to switch between Stable and Edge releases. However, you can only have one version of Docker Desktop installed at a time. Switching between Stable and Edge versions can destabilize your development environment, particularly in cases where you switch from a newer (Edge) channel to an older (Stable) channel.


For example, containers created with a newer Edge version of Docker Desktop maynot work after you switch back to Stable because they may have been createdusing Edge features that aren’t in Stable yet. Keep this in mind asyou create and work with Edge containers, perhaps in the spirit of a playgroundspace where you are prepared to troubleshoot or start over.

Experimental features are turned on by default on Edge releases. However, when you switch from a Stable to an Edge release, you must turn on the experimental features flag to access experimental features. From the Docker Desktop menu, click Preferences > Command Line and then turn on the Enable experimental features toggle. Click Apply & Restart for the changes to take effect.

To safely switch between Edge and Stable versions, ensure you save images and export the containers you need, then uninstall the current version before installing another. For more information, see the section Save and Restore data below.

Save and restore data

You can use the following procedure to save and restore images and container data. For example, if you want to switch between Edge and Stable, or to reset your VM disk:

  1. Use docker save -o images.tar image1 [image2 ...] to save any images you want to keep. See save in the Docker Engine command line reference.

  2. Use docker export -o myContainner1.tar container1 to export containers you want to keep. See export in the Docker Engine command line reference.

  3. Uninstall the current version of Docker Desktop and install a different version (Stable or Edge), or reset your VM disk.

  4. Use docker load -i images.tar to reload previously saved images. See load in the Docker Engine.

  5. Use docker import -i myContainer1.tar to create a filesystem image corresponding to the previously exported containers. See import in the Docker Engine.

For information on how to back up and restore data volumes, see Backup, restore, or migrate data volumes.

Where to go next

  • Getting started provides an overview of Docker Desktop on Mac, basic Docker command examples, how to get help or give feedback, and links to other topics about Docker Desktop on Mac.
  • Troubleshooting describes common problems, workarounds, howto run and submit diagnostics, and submit issues.
  • FAQs provide answers to frequently asked questions.
  • Release notes lists component updates, new features, andimprovements associated with Stable releases. For information about Edge releases, seeEdge release notes.
  • Get started with Docker provides a general Docker tutorial.
mac, install, download, run, docker, local

Current Stable Version

The current stable release of GIMP is 2.10.22 (2020-10-04).

We think your OS is Well, we don't actually know. Either JavaScript is disabled, or I am not working quite right... So I am showing you all the options.

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GIMP for Unix-like systems

If available, the official package from your Unix-like distribution is the recommended method of installing GIMP!

The flatpak build is new and has known limitations, though it will likely provide faster updates, following GIMP releases closely.
Therefore choose your installation medium according to your needs.

Flatpak build available in: i386, x86-64, ARM and AArch64.

Flatpak additional instructions

The flatpak link above should open your software installer and prompt you to install GIMP. Yet it may not work out-of-the-box on some platforms since the flatpak technology is new. If that is the case, ensure flatpak is installed and if clicking the link still does not prompt to install GIMP, then manually install by command line:

Messenger for mac os x

flatpak install https://flathub.org/repo/appstream/org.gimp.GIMP.flatpakref

Once installed, it will be made available exactly the same way as other applications (menus, desktop overview, or any specific application launch process used by your desktop).
If this is not the case, we suggest to report a bug to your desktop or distribution asking for proper support of flatpak. In the meantime, you can still run it by command line (not as the recommended method, only a workaround):

flatpak run org.gimp.GIMP//stable

This installation will also provide regular update. You don't have to come back on this page and install again (it will not work!) when a new version of GIMP is released. Instead if your distribution and/or desktop has a good support for flatpak, it should propose to perform updates.
Once again, if your distribution does not have proper support, you can always fall back to using the following command line:

flatpak update

Systems without flatpak support

GIMP can also run on Solaris and is available for the BSD family of systems such as FreeBSD and OpenBSD.

Please refer to the documentation for your Unix-like system on the installation of software.

GIMP for macOS

Note: the currently available package provides GIMP 2.10.14 and has not yet updated to the latest version, GIMP 2.10.22. We're working on that, please check back later.

The download links above will attempt to download GIMP from one of our trusted mirror servers. If the mirrors do not work or you would rather download directly from our server, you can get the direct download here.

Supported OS: macOS 10.9 Mavericks or over

Since the 2.8.2 version, GIMP runs on OSX natively. No X11 environment is required.

Native build

The official GIMP 2.10 DMG installer (linked above) is a stock GIMP build without any add-ons. Just open the downloaded DMG and drag and drop GIMP into your 'Applications' folder.

Apple Mac Os X

The SHA256 hash sum for gimp-2.10.14-x86_64-1.dmg is: 52654d85f894834f6c134c724beff3eddf212a1bda317299314322cfeff97e52


Check it on VirusTotal: gimp-2.10.14-x86_64-1.dmg

Older Downloads

Previous installers for OSX can be found here: download.gimp.org.


An easy way to compile and install GIMP and other great Free software on your Mac is by using Macports. The installer allows you to choose from a large directory of packages. To install gimp using Macports, you simply do sudo port install gimp once you have Macports installed.

Last we checked, the GIMP port file pointed to the current stable release and we have reports from people who've built GIMP successfully this way.


Homebrew is similar to Macports and provides packages (aka formulas) to install, either by compiling them from source or by using pre-made binaries. There are indications that there is now a formula for GIMP, installable with: brew tap homebrew/cask && brew cask install gimp.

NOTE! Please be aware that it was announced recently that Homebrew is using analytics. To turn this off in homebrew then run: brew analytics off
You can read more about this on Brew Analytics.


Fink is a package repository that offer mostly precompiled binaries. It provides the apt-get command known to e.g. Debian and Ubuntu users, and installing GIMP is as easy as sudo apt-get install gimp once you have installed the Fink installer.
If there's no binary package, then fink install gimp will compile GIMP from source.

Disclaimer: we haven't been able to determine if it is possible to install or build recent GIMP from Fink. Last we checked, GIMP 2.6.12 appears to be the most recent GIMP package that is offered there.

GIMP for Windows

The download links above will attempt to download GIMP from one of our trusted mirror servers. If the mirrors do not work or you would rather download directly from our server, you can get the direct download here.

Supported OS: Windows 7 or over

These links download the official GIMP installer for Windows (~200 MB). The installer contains both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of GIMP, and will automatically use the appropriate one.

BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing system. It works by downloading GIMP from a distributed network of BitTorrent users, and may improve download speed dramatically. Choosing this option will download the torrent file for the GIMP installer. You may need to install a torrent client to make use of this file. Learn more...

Hash Sum

The SHA256 hash sum for gimp-2.10.22-setup.exe is: f7851c348584ce432dfd8e69b74a168c7dec33ebfddc29c96ad2d6b83aded083

Check it on VirusTotal: gimp-2.10.22-setup.exe

Older Downloads

  • Previous v2.10 installers for Windows can be found here: download.gimp.org.
  • Previous v2.8 installers for Windows can be found here: download.gimp.org.

GIMP User Manual

These links download language-specific Windows installers for GIMP's local help. By default, they will place the help files with your GIMP installation.

Note: GIMP uses online help by default. If you want to use this local help offline, you will need to change GIMP's help settings.

  1. In GIMP, select [Edit] > [Preferences] > [Help System]
  2. For 'User manual', select 'Use a locally installed copy'
  3. Under 'Help Browser', you can choose between your system's web browser and GIMP's help browser plugin (if available).

See the online help for more settings.

  • Chinese Simplified (39 MB)
  • Catalan (40 MB)
  • Danish (39 MB)
  • Dutch (39 MB)
  • English (39 MB)
  • English (United Kingdom) (39 MB)
  • Finnish (39 MB)
  • French (41 MB)
  • German (41 MB)
  • Greek (38 MB)
  • Italian (43 MB)
  • Japanese (39 MB)
  • Korean (40 MB)
  • Norwegian Nynorsk (35 MB)
  • Portuguese Brazilian (40 MB)
  • Romanian (39 MB)
  • Russian (40 MB)
  • Spanish (40 MB)

Source for version 2.10 (Stable)

GIMP releases available from gimp.org and its mirrors contain the source code and have to be compiled in order to be installed on your system.

For instructions, how to build GIMP from source code, please see this page.

GIMP 2.10.22 is now available at https://download.gimp.org/mirror/pub/gimp/v2.10/. You may want to read the Release Notes for GIMP 2.10.

To allow you to check the integrity of the tarballs, here are the hashes of the latest releases:

gimp-2.10.22.tar.bz2 (sha256):
gimp-2.10.20.tar.bz2 (sha256):
gimp-2.10.18.tar.bz2 (sha256):
gimp-2.10.16.tar.bz2 (sha256):
gimp-2.10.14.tar.bz2 (sha256):
gimp-2.10.12.tar.bz2 (sha256):
gimp-2.10.10.tar.bz2 (sha256):
gimp-2.10.8.tar.bz2 (sha256):
gimp-2.10.6.tar.bz2 (sha256):
gimp-2.10.4.tar.bz2 (sha256):
gimp-2.10.2.tar.bz2 (sha256):
gimp-2.10.0.tar.bz2 (sha256):

GIMP help files are available at https://download.gimp.org/mirror/pub/gimp/help/.

Please consider using one of the mirrors listed below.

Development snapshots

We now have a separate page for development versions of GIMP.

Want to check out the GIMP development release?
Get it on our development downloads page.

FTP and Web Mirrors

Mac Os X Download

We had a server move a while back that caused us to lose our existing mirrors (moved from physical to virtual server and to an environment that doesn't allow FTP access). On the plus side, we are now able to offer rsync access to download.gimp.org.

If you are running one of the existing GIMP mirrors, or want to create a new one, please contact us to get your rsync credentials.

Im For Mac Os X 10.7

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